📈 Rank Tracker Projects

Track your project’s ranking & get AI generated keyword suggestions.
Happy Customers
On-going SEO Projects
Automated SEO Projects
End to End SEO monitoring for your websites.
Easy Setup
Easily create projects using your google search console websites and our platform will handle the rest!
Rank Tracking
Weekly rank tracking will keep you up-to-date on the biggest moves and drops.
Desktop, Mobile & Tablet
Get deep ranking data segmented by device to see the true ranking performance!
Clicks, Impressions & CTR!
Get complete in-depth visibility of your keyword performance and it’s clicks, impressions and ctr!
Automated Website Audits
Get a complete report of your website’s health automatically every week.
AI Keyword Suggestions
Based on your keyword performance and using our own AI, we will suggest new keywords every week!
Backlink Statistics
Get weekly backlink counts on your website to stay on top of your off-page SEO strategies.
Keyword Snapshots
Upto 1m keywords in ranking will be saved and used for analysis each week for your project.
New/Lost Ranked Keywords
Get complete visibility of your keyword ranking performance with new and lost ranked keywords.
Get started fast, no need to wait for weeks to get useful data.
All projects analyse last 10 weeks worth of data upon creation and it’s super fast!